Probiotics May Help Treat GBS and PPD Among Other Great Benefits!
Our family is on a healing journey as my son had some signs for diabetes and had a higher than normal A1C, we are changing our diet to clean (no inflammatory foods such as sugar, dairy, or grains) as a family and he has had completely normal blood sugars for two full weeks now. We are taking things one day at a time and are feeling really good and grateful!
A couple of months ago, I came across this wonderful company, Amare Global, they create natural mental wellness products. We had been struggling this winter with a bit of Seasonal Affective Disorder with a few people in my family, so I decided to order the FundaMentals pack and give it a try and we have been seeing very positive results in mood, energy, brain fog, and mental clarity. This stuff works!!
Then it hit me how Amare products would benefit pregnant women! Did you know that Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is the number one cause of infant sepsis? In a recent study by Ming (2016) from a sample of women who were diagnosed as positive for GBS, they treated half with placebo and the other half with probiotics and they found that almost half of the women who received the probiotics tested negative for GBS at onset of labor. It was suggested by the authors that it would be beneficial for women take probiotics the third trimester to prevent GBS. This makes sense to look to prevention instead of treatment because of problems with antibiotic resistance many people are now facing. Additionally there are NO negative side effects to taking probiotics, these products will heal the gut and give optimal gut and biome health. Not only could pregnant women benefit in preventing GBS they may also see positive results in preventing postpartum blues or depression. Since Amare works to help the brain-gut axis which assists in mental health, I can see a huge benefit to help women stave off postpartum blues or depression if they continued to take it into the postpartum period. This can be a very difficult time for many women and this could be a wonderful support tool to keep the gut brain axis healthy for pregnant people.
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